Telegram has announced a groundbreaking shift in its blockchain strategy, revealing that it will cease support for all blockchains except for The Open Network (TON) for its messenger services. This move marks the beginning of an exclusive partnership between Telegram and the TON Foundation, which will see TON become the sole blockchain infrastructure for Telegram’s Mini Apps ecosystem.
As part of this deal, Telegram will exclusively accept Toncoin (TON) for non-fiat payments across its services, including Telegram Stars, Telegram Premium, and Telegram Ads. Toncoin will also be the sole currency used to compensate Mini App developers and channel owners for advertisement revenue and Telegram Stars.
The new partnership highlights the growing synergy between Telegram and the TON Foundation, a relationship that has strengthened over the years through updates to Telegram’s Mini Apps, the use of Toncoin for payments, and the integration of blockchain capabilities into Telegram’s advertising platform.
Deepening the Technological Connection
The announcement underscores the importance of this partnership in advancing Telegram’s Web3 infrastructure. With TON as the exclusive blockchain, Telegram’s Mini Apps will now rely solely on TON Connect as the protocol for linking to blockchain wallets, effectively removing any other blockchain integrations such as those from Solana, Sui, and Aptos.
Telegram’s focus on Toncoin further emphasizes its commitment to building a robust Web3 ecosystem. As Telegram continues to grow as one of the most popular communication platforms globally, its partnership with TON aims to provide seamless blockchain integration while reinforcing the use of Toncoin as the primary digital currency for all transactions within the Telegram ecosystem.
TON’s Explosive Growth Potential
The TON Foundation’s new president, Manuel Stotz, expressed excitement over this development, stating that the partnership sets the stage for explosive growth in 2025. With Telegram’s vast user base and global reach, this collaboration is expected to play a pivotal role in TON’s expansion, solidifying its position as a leading blockchain in the digital landscape.
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