
UwU Lend Hacked Twice In A Week: DeFi Protocol Loses $23M In Double Exploit

Just days after a devastating $20 million exploit, DeFi lending protocol UwU Lend has been struck again, losing an additional $3.5 million to $3.7 million in a separate attack. This latest incident brings UwU Lend’s total losses to a staggering $23 million within a single week, raising serious questions about the platform’s security and its future.

The ongoing exploit targeted multiple asset pools on the platform, including uDAI, uWETH, uLUSD, uFRAX, uCRVUSD, and uUSDT. The stolen funds were swiftly converted to Ethereum and transferred to the attacker’s wallet. This attack comes as UwU Lend was attempting to rebuild trust by reimbursing victims of the previous exploit. Over $9.7 million in bad debt had already been repaid, including a significant amount for the wETH market.

The initial attack, which took place on June 10th, was attributed to price manipulation. The attacker employed a flash loan to manipulate the price of USDe and SUSDe tokens, ultimately draining nearly $20 million from the platform. Security experts believe the latest exploit is not a direct result of the same vulnerability but rather a consequence of the attacker retaining sUSDE tokens from the first incident.

Also Read: UwU Lend Hacked for Nearly $20 Million, DeFi Under Scrutiny Again

Despite pausing the protocol after the initial attack, UwU Lend still recognized sUSDE as valid collateral. This oversight allowed the attacker to leverage these tokens and drain remaining liquidity pools. The series of hacks has severely impacted UwU Lend’s UWU governance token, which has witnessed a significant drop in value over the past week and year.

With its reputation tarnished and millions lost, UwU Lend faces an uphill battle to regain user trust. The platform must prioritize robust security measures and offer a clear plan to address vulnerabilities and compensate victims. Whether UwU Lend can recover from this double blow remains to be seen.

Disclaimer: The information in this article is for general purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. The author’s views are personal and may not reflect the views of Chain Affairs. Before making any investment decisions, you should always conduct your own research. Chain Affairs is not responsible for any financial losses.

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