Pavel Durov, the enigmatic founder of Telegram, finds himself mired in a storm of legal troubles that stretch across Europe. Already under scrutiny in France for allegedly facilitating criminal activities through his popular messaging app, Durov is now facing disturbing new allegations in Switzerland.
According to recent revelations, Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland not for his business ventures, but for serious accusations related to his personal life. Forbes reports that his former partner, Irina Bolgar, has accused him of physically assaulting their youngest son on multiple occasions between 2021 and 2022. The criminal complaint, filed in March 2023 in Geneva, alleges that the violence led to significant injuries, including a concussion. Irina claims that their son, who is nearing his seventh birthday, continues to suffer from sleep disorders as a result.
Irina’s legal actions go beyond the criminal charges. She has also filed a civil lawsuit seeking custody of their children, citing the alleged abuse and Durov’s failure to provide financial support as key factors. She asserts that Durov stopped paying her the €150,000 monthly child support, prompting her to pursue these legal battles.
Adding a bizarre twist to the saga, in July, Durov made headlines for revealing that he has fathered over 100 biological children through sperm donation. This revelation comes amid the ongoing custody and financial disputes with Irina.
The case is further complicated by key evidence, including message transcripts between Irina and Durov from November 2021, which are said to illuminate the nature of their relationship and the incidents in question. Medical records from April 2023 corroborate Irina’s claims, showing that their child has been struggling with anxiety and sleep disorders linked to the alleged abuse.
While Durov’s representatives have yet to comment on these new allegations, a lawyer for Irina confirms that both the civil and criminal cases remain active. In a parallel development, French prosecutors have indicted Durov on six charges related to criminal activities on Telegram, including facilitating illegal transactions and obstructing law enforcement. Following his arrest, Durov was released on a €5 million bail but is under strict judicial supervision, required to report to police twice a week and barred from leaving France.
The situation has escalated to diplomatic tensions, given Durov’s connections to Russia and the UAE. French President Emmanuel Macron has recently taken responsibility for granting Durov French citizenship in 2018, a decision that has drawn scrutiny in light of the ongoing legal issues. Macron has compared Durov to other prominent figures who have been granted citizenship, but he has denied any involvement in Durov’s legal matters or prior knowledge of his arrest.
As the legal and diplomatic drama unfolds, Pavel Durov’s future remains uncertain, with significant implications for both his personal life and professional empire.
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