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$26 Million Lost in Solana Meme Coin Rug Pulls: URF, LIKE, MOONKE Projects Vanish After Presales

The allure of quick profits in the crypto space has a dark side, as evidenced by a recent surge in rug pulls targeting Solana meme coin presales. A staggering $26 million worth of SOL tokens has vanished in these scams, raising serious concerns about investor protection and project accountability within the Solana ecosystem.

Crypto Detective Exposes Deceptive Practices

Crypto sleuth ZachXBT sounded the alarm on social media platform X, revealing the alarming extent of these losses. His investigation uncovered a disturbing pattern: “Over the past month alone, 12 Solana meme coin presales have been abandoned after raising over 180,650 SOL ($26.7M).” This translates to numerous projects raising significant funds through presales and then simply disappearing, leaving investors high and dry.

The situation appears even more concerning when considering ZachXBT’s earlier findings from March, which showed “SOL raised from presales exceeds 796,000 SOL ($149.2M) across 33 projects.” While these projects promised lucrative returns, a significant portion has fallen victim to scams, resulting in investors losing their hard-earned funds.

URF: A Case Study in Deception

One such example is URF, a meme coin promoted by influencer Bryce Hall. Investors were enticed to participate in URF’s presale, which managed to raise approximately 2400 SOL ($450K). However, the celebratory mood was short-lived. ZachXBT unearthed the harsh reality: “The URF team vanished within 24 hours of launch, and their social media accounts have been inactive since March 26th.” Instead of delivering on their commitments, the developers allegedly used the remaining funds to trade other meme coins, further compounding the losses suffered by investors.

Also Read: $33 Million Moved, Promises Broken: Is ZKasino an Exit Scam in the Making?

Solana Community Grapples with Accountability

These incidents highlight a critical issue within the Solana meme coin space: a lack of transparency and accountability. Investors are left vulnerable due to the absence of proper safeguards and due diligence processes. Solana co-founders, Raj Gokal and Anatoly Yakovenko, have repeatedly urged investors to exercise caution with these random meme coin presales.

ZachXBT’s investigation delves deeper, revealing the most significant financial losses:

  • LIKE meme coin presale: 52,220 SOL lost (approximately $8.10 million)
  • RockyXBT’s MOONKE project: 37,470 SOL lost (approximately $5.81 million)
  • 10 other meme coin presales: 90,961 SOL lost (approximately $14.1 million)

A Call for Caution and Due Diligence

These staggering figures underscore the immense risk associated with meme coin presales, particularly on the Solana blockchain. ZachXBT emphasizes the importance of thorough research and due diligence before investing in such projects. The lack of whitepapers and token addresses further raises red flags and reinforces the need for increased investor vigilance.

The Solana community, along with investors, must work together to establish stricter regulations and promote responsible practices within the meme coin space. Until then, investors are advised to approach these projects with extreme caution and prioritize established, transparent projects over the allure of quick, high-risk gains.

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